Staple food rice-based substitute tapioca or cassava has a taste that is very typical of dried cassava and unique. Many mountain communities south consumed (Pacitan, Wonogiri, Gunung Kidul). As a staple food, calorie content is still under rice but enough to meet substitute for rice as a food ingredient.Tiwul Material:300 gr dried cassava flour or tapioca flour (cassava flour)70 ml water2 pandan leaves LBR100 gr brown sugar, combTopping:1 / 4 grated coconut long btr1 pandan leaf LBR1 / 4 teaspoon saltHow to make Tiwul:Place the dried cassava flour on top of winnowing, drizzle with water while stirring, stirring until the dough is like a sand grain, set aside.
Enter the dough into a steamer that has been heated and covered with banana leaves, put borwn sugar in a
randam comb, broiled to 60 minute, remove from heat
Steam the grated coconut well with pandan leaves and salt for 15 minutes, remove from heat.Tiwul Serve with grated coconut.